Monday, June 17, 2019

How can Clear Retainer Riverside help you with your teeth alignment?

You have worked hard for your beautiful smile. It's time to ensure that your beautiful smile never fades. Finally, your braces have been removed, and you have regained your beautiful smile. However, to keep your smile looking its best, you would have to wear a clear retainer riverside so that your teeth remain aligned even after the braces are removed. Retainers are usually used to limit or control the potential alterations in the position of the tooth. They are widely used after braces treatment so that the teeth remain aligned while the surrounding gums, bone, jaw, and muscle adapt to the new positioning of your teeth.

What are the various types of retainers?

Retainers are usually custom-built and can be fixed or removable. Here is the list of various types of fasteners.

Traditional Removable Retainers: These retainers generally include a metal wire that surrounds the teeth. It is fixed to an acrylic arch which sits in the roof of the mouth. Interestingly, the metal wires can be adapted as per the size of your teeth. However, a traditional removable retainer does not create hindrance to the movement of your front teeth.

Fixed Retainers: This type of retainer comprises of wires that are bonded behind the top or bottom of the teeth. It is that kind of a device which would no longer be needed after a year after the wisdom teeth are extracted.

Aligner-style Retainers: They are also known as the Essix retainers. It is hard to separate a clear aligner from an aligner-style retainer. However, an aligner-style retainer offers a more aesthetic option to the wired retainers. It is that type of a retainer that can fit over the entire arch of your teeth. It can also fit from canine to canine. Interestingly, it is produced from the mold of your teeth. Hence, having a worthy retainer would help your teeth to stay aligned even after the braces are removed. Consult your dentist to which type of retainer fits you the best. Nowadays, a lot of online sites also deal with retainers. These sites are an excellent way to get your retainer right from the comfort of your home.

The importance of Night Guard for Teeth Riverside

Studies suggest that 30% of the adult population clench or grind their teeth to some extent during sleeping. Not only is sleep lest comfortable this way, but this practice of grinding teeth can have detrimental effects on gums, teeth, and the temporomandibular joint also abbreviated as TMJ. Hence, the sooner this problem is eliminated; the level of discomfort and damage can be avoided. This is where Night Guard for Teeth Riverside comes to the fore. A night guard is a simple device that is recommended by your dentist to eliminate clenching and grinding of teeth. At first, your dentist would make an impression of your teeth. He or she would send that impression to a lab in order to get a custom-fit night guard. It would stay inside your mouth and would protect your soft tissue and teeth.

Nowadays, there are a lot of online sites where you can order retainers and night guards. These sites would eliminate your need to travel to a dental office. Moreover, these dental products are priced at a lower rate when compared to outside labs. On the other hand, all the teeth devices are quality controlled and effectively monitored.

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Monday, June 3, 2019

Reasons to Go for Dental Braces

People with a beautiful and sweet smile attract a lot of people. A sweet smile can beautify your day. Healthy teeth and gums are a very important part of the human body and, therefore, should be handled with the utmost care. A lot of people with dental defects need braces to repair them. Dentists are now very practical to give the correct type of braces.

The braces are mostly made of four parts: the wire, the O-ring brackets, and a metal band. The arch wire is made of thin metal and runs through the teeth through every bracket. An O-ring connects the bracket to the wire. Every tooth has a bracket that is attached to an O-ring with a metal band. The different choices of dental braces allow both children and adults to pursue the treatment of the braces. If you or your child needs braces, consult your dentist or see an experienced orthodontist. Below are the reasons why you may go for dental braces;

1. Extra Teeth or Crowded Teeth.

Due to genetics, injuries or premature loss of deciduous teeth, numerous individuals have extra teeth. The extra teeth can as well be created because the mouth is too small to hold all the teeth. These circumstances can make an individual feel self-conscious and prevent them from giving others a friendly and open smile. Luckily, the extra teeth can be gently moved into their right places with dental braces Cincinnati. Other times, the orthodontist removes the extra teeth before putting the braces.

2. Misaligned teeth.

Although some individuals are born with perfectly aligned teeth, Most of us are not so lucky. Numerous individuals have spaces between their teeth and some teeth seem to appear taller or lower than other teeth. Relying on the magnitude of the aesthetic effect and your personal preferences, dental braces can be used to get perfectly uniform tooth alignment. If you have thought about braces, visit your Dentist Cincinnati and he/she will advise you whether to use a metal brace or an Invisalign brace.

3. Improper Bite.

An incorrect bite comes about when the upper and lower jaws are in anatomically incorrect positions. Sometimes the upper jaw is set too far back, which causes the upper and lower teeth to touch when the mouth is closed. Although this condition may be mild, it can lead to the development of the temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) in some individuals. The most seen signs of TMJ are a pain in the jaw, difficulty in chewing, rattle when opening and closing the mouth and persistent tension in the regions of the jaw and temporal lobe. In case you notice these symptoms, visit your orthodontist to check you for TMJ. If you have a TMJ diagnosis, one of the treatment choices may be to apply braces Cincinnati to move your dental structures into the correct position and relieve the discomfort.


These Dental braces will surely make many patients smile. Before checking the dentist for braces, check the price or cost of the dental brace treatment and the time required for treatment. It is crucial to contact a reputable professional Dentist Cincinnati.

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